Sunday 30 November 2014

Sketches of Assorted Creatures and Worlds

Six Limbed Creature

Alien Visitor

Alien Snail

Elephantine Mollusc

Visitors from another Galaxy

Living Library

Mollusc Primate

Scaled Predator

Slug Daemon of Xansithera

Alien Jungles

Tarsier Like Creature

War Band of Forest Dwellers


War Beasts and Assorted Campaigns on Other Worlds

War Beast Squadron

War Beast Squadron


Forest Patrol

Tarsier-Like War Beasts

Warrior With Jezail

Aquatic Worlds

Aquatic Patrol.

These creatures belong to species that dwells on the bottom of an immense sea.

In The Abyss 

Illustration for the short by H.G. Wells

Water Breathing Tarkhan, from another immersed world.

Thursday 20 November 2014

War in the Skies of Procyon C


Most of the alien species reverted to barbarism in their struggle to survive the harsh conditions. However, those colonies that were able to survive, rediscovered lost technologies, and managed to build machines or domesticate lower life forms. Eventually craft were developed to ply the thick atmosphere of Procyon C, enabling the beings to break out of their locale. In the fullness of time these beings took their flying machines and flying steeds to fight battles in the lurid skies of Procyon C, in their struggle for dominance.

Thursday 13 November 2014

The Embassy of Procyon

This picture shows an embassy from the inhabitants of Procyon A to residents of one of its habitable moons. Such occasions were invariably tense, leading to extreme security arrangements. No life in Procyon’s binary systems originated indigenously, but the various intelligent life forms that colonised this system gradually lost their interstellar technology, and fought constantly amongst themselves for scarce resources. Their warlike interchanges were only matched by the system’s turbulent nature, prone to stellar storms and comet strikes.

Fans of early SF magazines may notice I painted this as a tribute to Frank R. Paul, a giant of early science fiction.