Tuesday 16 June 2015

Sympathy for the Balrog


Lets not forget that Middle Earth started with a minor warlord of the 6th Century, or thereabouts...

Grendel’s Story

The night smelt good. There had been some rain but it was clear now and the moon was up, illuminating everything; a hunter’s moon!

Out in the forest and the plain were the sounds of the night animals announcing themselves. But under this was a more distant, ugly sound – the murmuring of men together – laughing, drinking, bragging. Occasionally in this low murmuring, the wind would bring the high pitched shriek of one of their instruments – this vile unnatural sound which was an affront to nature itself. These vile creatures would pay for their temerity tonight.

[...] The timber hall now lay much closer, foul vapours still billowing from a hole in the roof. It was as if every aspect of these creatures was specially designed to be disgusting and unnatural. The guffaws and shouts had lessened now, as the brutes were completely intoxicated. But the time was not yet right. I remained crouched behind a bush – waiting a little longer for all of them to get to sleep – a sleep some would not awaken from.

Though I am massive compared to them, I can move with perfect silence when I need. I chose to approach the hall on all fours, like my brothers of the forest, though I can walk on two if I wish. The hall was now as silent as it ever got, silent but for the guttural snores and murmurings of those creatures in slumber.

Closer still, my heart leapt! The door was unguarded. Though my quarry was smaller and weaker than I, all hunts have their perils. Thus I proceed in total silence, watchful of any movement.

The door gave easily – too easily – and the usual smells of dense cohabitation wafted out. My heart raced exultantly, I was in their home again, I must work fast. Unlike these creatures, the darkness hides nothing from my eyes and I took in my surroundings with a glance – long tables, broken cups, spilt mead – and there – the slumbering bodies huddled under animal skins.

I grabbed one with both hands. It only had time to blink and yelp once before I crushed it in my jaws, and forced the rest of the limbs into my mouth with my hands.
Quick – another! By now I heard their quaking voices as they realised I had come again.
I grabbed a third sleeping form, but immediately it felt different. It convulsed like a snake that had been waiting to strike, and as the sheepskin fell away something clamped onto my wrist with unearthly strength. I found myself looking into a face, the like of which I had never seen before. Its eyes remained hidden under a thick brow, and for all I knew there were no eyes there at all. Its face contained no expression, no emotion, only purpose, as if it were born to do this one task only. All these thoughts passed through my mind as I became entangled with this unique beast, and the crushing pressure on my wrist steadily became unendurable…

The vile creature gripped harder. Pain shot up my arm as my shoulder twisted, bending grinding...

The pain...

The pain...

I could feel the world closing in. Was I fainting?


Ancient Demon

Beast Dwelling in The Pit

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